I'm going to make this attainable for me, but stretch myself out of years of laziness and undisciplined living to try and really kick off this year as a New Era of my life, and the first chapter of real tangible personal and spiritual changes, as well as having matured as an adult, in a while.
1 - Read through the entire bible for the first time EVER using the "The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan" plan. - (http://www.navpress.com/uploadedFiles/15074%20BRP.dj.pdf).
2 - Read at LEAST 1 book a month, but the more the better.
a - Reread Augustine's "Confessions".
b - Read Athanasius "On The Incarnation".
3 - Give up at LEAST one day a quarter to serve at a food kitchen or homeless shelter.
a - Start to develop contacts and meet people who are intentional about helping the poor and destitute with the goal of putting tangible hands and feet to the gospel.
b - Try to make visible relationships with those in need in order to show them a picture of Christ.
4 - Be more intentional with friendships and family. Be more intentional in finding out ways to help and pray for friends and family.
5 - Blog at LEAST once a month.
6 - Be out of all non vehicle related debt and have a considerable portion of my vehicle related debt paid for.
7 - Have both an emergency fund and a savings account with a certain amount of funds available in each (certain people will know specifics, and I will approach you in that case about that).
8 - Officially and finally start my college education.
9 - Start to eat out less and cook more food again.
10 - Create a homemade Pumpkin pie from scratch!
Feel free to check up if you so desire. This is a new year, and we shall see if it is a life changing year. I am hopeful it is. :)
Good for you, man! And we'll help with the pumpkin pie, well, at least J will... :D